A Critical Step Towards NetZero
In the global quest towards NetZero, tackling the emissions from current industrial sources becomes as critical as the transition to the correct mix of fossil and renewable energy itself. Reaching NetZero emissions by 2050 will require the transportation and sequestration of hundreds of millions of tons of CO2 on an annual basis. DXP is the partner you can rely on to support your CO2 handling applications.
DXP Comprehensive Line of CO2 Pumps
One of the key ways to reduce greenhouse emissions is carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS).
At DXP, we have the process, rotating equipment, and systems expertise to help you design, package and service the best CO2 pumping system for your application. With over 110 years of experience and more than
190 locations throughout North America, DXP is your trusted partner in matters of rotating equipment. From enhanced oil recovery to carbon sequestration, we are the optimal choice to partner with in supporting your CO2 handling application.